2004-02-07 - 10:25 p.m.

She's a Beauty (Or She Will Be Anyway)...

Okay, so I am now the proud owner of a 49 Chevy...

Yeah, I know, I was trying to decide between the 53 Buick and the 54 Bel Air... I had pretty much convinced myself to splurge on the Buick, which was so gorgeous but more than I really wanted to spend and I had been looking forward to working on it myself, which would not have been necessary with the Buick since it was already in great shape... Then on Thursday, one more option became available...

This is a 49 Chevy (which looks just like the Bel Air, except with different trim), the body is in excellent shape and even has the fenderskirts... The engine is all original and in spite of not looking so pretty, it will actually run though I do get to rebuild the carburetor this week... I�m also converting to 12 volt... The interior is all original too, but that should tell you about what shape it is in now! It needs help badly but with how little I paid for the car, I will be able to do all that stuff! Yeah, I made the responsible decision, but it feels more right (well, as much as being practical can, you know how much I hate to be practical)... As much as I loved the look of the Buick, it never �felt� right... This does...

So, I am very excited about this and looking forward to getting moving on it... Pictures coming soon!! I�d love to have it done by the Roundup but that is probably WAY too optimistic, especially considering I am not even sure what color I want to paint it or do the interior... Oh well, a girl can dream... Speaking of that, I am going to go put on fleece and curl up with my Chevys of the 40s catalog...


Oddly enough... Congrats to Staple-Stuck, I'll let her tell you why!! Woohoo!!

The soundtrack of my life... The Apprentice (I had to tape it on Thursday night)...

Other randomness... Can I strangle the boy?? He's on my last nerve...

used - test drive - new

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All text and images on this page are mine... Yes, I took the photos and/or did the paintings... Don't make me sue you, it won't be pretty...

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