2004-08-26 - 3:12 p.m.

Moving Sale!!!

Okay, not really a sale, but moving none the less... It's just time for a change around here...

If you want the new address, please leave me a note via dland or sign the guestbook...

Hope to see you in the new digs!!


Oddly enough...

The soundtrack of my life...

Other randomness...

used - test drive - new

recent entries...

Moving Sale!!! - 2004-08-26
Fort Worth Spring Rally... - 2004-04-26
Prices Fell, Thankfully My Grandmother Didn't... - 2004-04-20
Out of Lockdown... - 2004-03-31
Putting the Funk in Functional... - 2004-03-05

powered by SignMyGuestbook.com

All text and images on this page are mine... Yes, I took the photos and/or did the paintings... Don't make me sue you, it won't be pretty...

hosted by DiaryLand.com